It's 9:30 in the morning and I've been up for nearly 3 hours now thanks to my children. They are currently busy watching movies, but in no time it's going to be "Mommy, me want....." or "AHHHHH......DADA" (which Kaelynn has taking to calling EVERYONE).
I'd like to go to the mall to check out one particular store that sells "trendy" and "younger" style clothing that will actually fit me. I asked my best friend, but she's in a mood (don't blame her - I get the same way) and I won't go out otherwise.
I don't know why I do these things. Why can't I just go out myself with the kids? One reason - they are out of control and I feel like me, alone - as ONE single person cannot handle BOTH of them in public. I could be wrong, and they could be angels while we are out. Sometimes I think they act up so bad at home is because they are bored and are looking for new scenery. But on the other hand, I don't want to waste the time, energy and effort to pack them up, get somewhere, only to have to turn around because they are acting up.
It's going to be a long day. Mike is working til 8, which again, means that once he's home, the kids are already in bed. I should be happy that he'll have tomorrow off, and that I only have to get through today. I am their mother, so why is it such a "chore" to me to come up with something fun to do? I'm not always like this, but I feel like I am alot. I guess I'm very bitter about working a full time job myself during the week, only to "work" all weekend myself too.
Joey’s interview with 92 Pro FM
2 days ago
My girls were up way early this morning too. I also don't take the kids out much (unless it's to the park). If I go shopping where I actually want to look for something specific (clothes for me) or if I have a long list of stuff I do not do it with the girls. But if I only have a few things to get like Milk and Minigos then I will take them with me. They always ask to go shopping. We usually just hit Wal-Mart and I put Rachel in the cart where kids go and Emily goes in the big part of the cart. If they want to walk they are allowed to as long as they hold on to the cart (or stay very close). If they don't follow the rule then they are back in the cart. Once I'm done getting what I want we usually walk through the toy department and look for any toy (such as Elmo or Dora etc) that has a button that you can push that will then do something (dance etc.). They get to play with all of those and then we head to the checkout where the girls help me put what we are buying on the counter. If they get too restless I usually try to get them to help me (eg. Can you look for the strawberry cookies and tell Mommy when you see them?). But I understand taking them out can be a challenge. Hope you found something fun to do and had a great day :-)
I take my kids everywhere! I always have. We have moments but overall they learn how to behave & they learn what is expected of them in public. In the winter months sometimes we drive up to the mall just to go & wander around. Go see the pets at the Pet Store. Throw pennies in the fountain. Stop for an ice cream or some fries. It's a good way to kill a couple of hours.
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