Friday, May 16, 2008

Apparently it's all about the boobs

I've been getting alot of blog hits from people coming in off their google searches.

And I'm learning that alot of people like to google boobs. Because apparently it's all about the boobs.

Some of the search terms?

"can't wait to see your boobs" (I've been saying that since I started this boob-a-thon!)

"send in a photo of your boobs" (get right on that, huh? the boob-a-thon is still running you know!)

"i need your boobs show me your boobs" (a little redundant?)

"boob shots" (hope they meant the photographic kind and not the alcoholic version)

"give money to show your boobs" (if anyone is giving money to show their boobs, they are crazy - it's usually the other way around. or in my case, i'm giving money to charity if you show me your boobs)

"show me your small boobs" (frankly, i can't say any of my boob-a-thon entrants were of the small boob variety)

"ed rack" (uhhhh, i totally dunno)

But, the most humorous were the searches that involved the Chicago Cubs.

"wrigley field boobs"
"show your boobs at a cubs game"
"cub fan boobs"

For those readers it must have been disappointing that they didn't find any of those things here. So, I have decided to change that.

You want Cub fan boobs? Then that's what you'll get!


AutoSysGene said...

Good god, girl! Put a shirt on already!!

Candance said...

OH MY GOD!!! I can't stop laughing!!

Anonymous said...

I don't like the Cubs
take those patches off!!!!


I'm pimping again tomorrow!