Last night I briefly caught the results of a local news channel's "Voice Your Choice" on the issue of the Star Spangled Banner being done in Spanish. 91% of those who voted were against it.
I debated on even blogging about this, but it's an issue again that has my mouth hanging open in amazement at what this country is becoming.
Yes, yes, we are the "melting pot" or whatever else you'd like to call it. Founded by immigrants, etc, etc, blah blah blah.
BUT .... here's the thing. Would Mexico or Spain or any other Spanish speaking nation agree to having their national anthem or another symbolic song of their country redone in English? Honestly, I highly doubt it.
Why is it everything is Spanish this, or Spanish that? Why am I given an option when I call my credit card for Spanish or English?? Why am I not given an option for Italian, Polish, German, French??? Everywhere I turn there are signs in TWO different languages .... English and Spanish. Did we forget about those from Russia, Poland, Greece, Italy, China??
If we are going to "cater" to those who speak Spanish, why not do it for EVERYONE that speaks a different language? Honestly, I feel that English is the primary language here and if you feel this country is good enough to live in and work in, then you should feel it is good enough to learn it's primary language as well. Don't get me wrong ... I don't feel people should "forget" or "lose" their heritage - it's fine to be proud of who you are and where you came from. No one is asking for people to give up their native tongue - it would just be nice for those people to actually take the time to learn the primary language for the country in which they are living.
I would never move to a foreign country without the expectation of having to learn the primary language there. If I made a decision to pull my roots from US soil and establish myself elsewhere, I'd know that there were going to be differences from my former country, the spoken language being one of them. And I can't even imagine contemplating having one of their nation's trademark songs to be redone in (gasp) English! Then again, I also wouldn't be living in another country and soley fly the American flag outside my home or on my car. But that's another issue and I've had enough politics for tonight.
Joey’s interview with 92 Pro FM
2 days ago
Amen Sarah!!! I totally agree with you on this! I think it's stupid to even suggest a spanish verion...everything thing you said I compltetly and totally agree...AMEN!
I agree! When we vacationed in France, we didn't expect the French to cater to our language and when we lived in teh UK, we flew BOTH flags, level right next to each other.
I have no problem with immigrants who come here legally (my FIL once was but now is an American citizen), don't cause trouble and don't expect us to cater to them...the others, I have major issues with!
I agree with you 100%! I heard that same thing on the news and all I could think was...this is the National Anthem for "AMERICA"...not Mexico or France or Greece or whatever. I really get frustrated when we have to cater to a bunch of lazy-ass people. I see so many people here from other countries who are *trying* to learn the language and I understand when they are stumbling over least they are making the effort.
Oh my, I could go on forever! LOL
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