Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hump Day Ramblings

Nothing of utter importance to write about, really.

I am now officially in my upper 20's now. Although, I suppose some would say I'm in my MID-twenties now. Regardless, I turned 26 yesterday.

It was a good birthday. Woke up and was given cards from hubby & the kids (I already got my gift a couple weeks ago -- another lens for my camera), got a present from the kiddos and from my parents. Headed to work, and at lunchtime the manager and I skipped out of the office for a few hours for a bit of shopping & she treated me to lunch at Chili's. Good deal. Plus, the weather was beautiful. We've been having temps in the 70's and it's just gorgeous.

No plans for tonight other than showers/baths for the kids & myself, watching American Idol and perhaps finishing off the book I'm reading. Tomorrow night is our night out to see Dane Cook. Should be a fun time; I'm very much looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Mackey said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!!!
26???!!!! Pbhsstt:P
I was 26 when I had me first child......that was 11 years ago:P