Right at this moment I could pack up all of Mike's belongings and throw them out the window. He seriously PISSES me off to no end.
I worked all damn day. He was off today. I get home and he hands a screaming Kaelynn to me. Fine, she was crabbing, and I'm sure he was at his wits end with her at the moment.
So we sit down to eat - I finish, and he's still eating. I let him make another sandwich and hold off on putting all the bread/meat/condiments away until he's finished. I put all the stuff away while he stuffs his face. I take away Braeden's plate while he finishes his milk and eats a few more Doritos. I give Kaelynn a chocolate chip cookie for dessert. I start to wipe down the kitchen table. Mike finally finishes and takes his plate to the sink.
Braeden comes over to have his hands and face washed at the sink. I clean him up. Mike goes to sit on his ASS while doing something on that God forsaken laptop. Kaelynn finishes her cookie and coughs/chokes in the process. I make sure she's okay and pat her back. She is fine. Mike just looks over. I remove the tray from the highchair, sit it to the side and get her cleaned up. Put her down on the floor, and go to clean off the tray. The kids run around and run around. I tell them to please get out of the kitchen and to stop running. Mike sits and continues to do his thing.
I take Kaelynn upstairs and get her diaper changed and into pajamas. I go into the laundry room and get all the clean clothes and put away Kaelynn's, Braeden's and my own. Realizing when I get into our bedroom - that the bed is still UNMADE and Mike's few clean clothing items from yesterday's load are STILL sitting in the same spot. This morning I had THREE things I asked him to do. 1) Call the bank and find out about the new name/routing number and try to get it straighted out since I had JUST ordered new checks before we received notice of the change from the bank 2) Make the bed and 3) Put away the clean clothes from yesterday
He did ONE of the three things. And let me ask -- were those 3 things ALOT to ask of a man who had to do NOTHING today?????
AND - then -- he did NOTHING to help get the kids "settled". Kaelynn is in bed (crabby girl tonight!) and for the moment Braeden is playing on the other computer. But I can guarantee it'll be ME getting him ready for bed unless the asshole can manage to pull himself out of selfish land for 10 minutes.
And the thing that gets me - On weekends, when I'm off, and I'm home all day -- all these things would be done PLUS some. And I would still be the one primarily getting the kids ready for bed.
ONE night a week does he do everything on his own. And that's when I'm out grocery shopping. He bathes and gets the kids ready for bed by himself. Fine and dandy -- but who does all that the other nights during the week???
It's like he doesn't feel as if he should lift a goddamn finger to do anything around here. And it's like pulling teeth trying to get him to clean. He does our bathroom and THAT'S IT. And that's only when he's around (not working) to do it.
I'm TIRED OF IT. And talking to him does no good. I've tried it a million times. "Honey, it would really be helpful if you could please help out. Then maybe I won't be so tired and we can have more time together."
I hate having to ask - it should just be done. And when I have a simple THREE item list that would take a total of MAYBE 30 minutes (and really, that all depended on how long the bank situation took - otherwise making the bed and putting the laundry away (seriously, 2 shirts and a pair of socks) would have taken - um, 4 minutes or so?) - is it really that much to ask?????
Joey’s interview with 92 Pro FM
1 day ago
Sounds like a typical man to me! I know I have similiar complaints as well. I am usually doing 10 things at once while he sits and watches me. It's very frustrating!
Ditto here sista! I make dinner, help Braeden with his homework & entertain Kennedy all while he sits in his chair & watches the Simpsons!!!!!!!!!Aargghh!!!!
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