Thursday, December 16, 2010

Next Week

I can't believe Christmas is already next week. And to think there's only a couple weeks of 2010 left; it just blows my mind.

How is it possible that my 30th year of life is rapidly coming to a close, and in no time I'll be in my 31st. (YIKES!)

I do love this time of year, even though it is always insanely busy and I start to feel a bit stressed, a bit stretched too thin.

Mom & I finished our holiday baking yesterday - a whopping 102 dozen cookies. We may just be a little insane, but when we've got a list of family, friends, coworkers, etc that we give cookies we have to keep some around for us to indulge. Oh, and of course we need some for Santa!

Thankfully my shopping has been done for some time, and my wrapping is just about complete. I've got 3 gifts left to wrap, just as soon as the last two things I'm waiting on to complete 2 gifts come in the mail.

We also just celebrated my boy's NINTH birthday. How that is possible, I don't know.

And last, but not least -- an update and a great big thank you for those of you sending up prayers for my friend. Baby is growing with a wonderful heartbeat, and while my friend has been on bedrest due to a subchorionic bleed, it has clotted & gotten smaller. So thankful for that! I am just so thrilled that I get to be an "auntie" to so many fantastic kiddos, and that there's 2 more coming in 2011 (another friend is expecting her 5th!)!!

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