While in Disney, I found out that my sister received bad news from her doctor. I'm sure you remember me requesting thoughts & prayers for her.
She had an abnormal pap, and it was found to be pre-cancerous cells. She went in for a procedure to remove them, but unfortunately it was not successful.
While it is not yet cancer, the doctor recommends that she have a complete hysterectomy. If she does not do this, she will be "playing with fire", to quote the doctor.
At this time, it looks like it'll be done on the 20th. So again, I ask for your thoughts & prayers.
Joey’s interview with 92 Pro FM
1 day ago
So Sorry to hear about your sister. I'll keep praying. Does she have any kids?
I'm so sorry to hear this, Sarah. I'll keep her in my prayers. I'm sure this is awfully hard on her to have to go through the hysterectomy too as I know that awhile ago she did want to have another baby.
Sorry you don't know me, but I found your site through a friend. Anyways I'll be thinking of your sister - My sister and 2 close friends have had hysterectomies this past year, a great source of support for them was http://www.hystersisters.com/
Of course, we know God is the greatest support of all.
Many thoughts and prayers going up!
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