It's nonstop in our household. Insanity I tell you.
I just finished straightening, dusting and packing some things from the bookshelf in our bedroom. Looks *soooooo* nice now. Our bedroom is --->this<--- close to being completely ready. Slowly we're getting closer and closer to having each and every room prepared and then we'll thoroughly clean each one (dusting, vaccuming).
We have been busting our asses around here and still trying to spend quality time with the kids. So most of the time we're working our tails off after the kids are in bed for the night. Like now; it's 10:30 and Mike is busy painting. We broke down and just decided to paint - just the entryway, staircase - and maybe the hallway. We're waiting to see if we can stop at a certain point, or if you'll be able to tell what is fresh paint and what is not. If there is a big difference, we'll just have to finish up the painting.
Otherwise the realtor said the paint looks pretty good - and that some of the small marks could probably be taken care of with soap & water. Maybe our house isn't so bad afterall. Cluttered - yes. I'll be the first to admit that. And while it's not the cleanest in the world - I'm sure it's MUCH better than some homes these realtors walk into.
So, we've been busy packing things away that we won't need. In fact, we've done ALOT of packing. And then we've been straightening, tidying and fixing a few minor things up. And having garage sales nearly every weekend (at least 1 per weekend, but this past weekend we had it Fri & Sat). They have been very sucessful -- we've made over $1300 total. Gotten rid of a *TON* but we still have boxes and boxes of things yet to get rid of.
Tomorrow is our pre-drywall appointment. We get to walk thru the house and they'll show us the "heart" of the house. We'll get to see all the plumbing, duct work, electrical, etc. and they'll explain how things work. They also recommend videotaping/photographing so that if we ever needed to do any work, we'd know where certain things are rather than putting random holes in the walls. So, we're all going to be enjoying a day off of work. :)
Speaking of work - my dad is nearly jumping for joy. He's got a whopping TWO days left of work (Thurs & Fri) and then he's RETIRED. He is THRILLED. He absolutely cannot wait. I'm so proud of him.
Oh - and before I forget. I should update you all on Larry - the driver, my coworker. He's doing so much better. It's amazing how well he is doing for what he went through. He ended up getting a tracheotomy done to help with the breathing and he did end up starting to breathe on his own. He was doing so well he was transfered from the ICU at the hospital to a rehabilitation hospital. It's now a matter of healing and therapy to get himself moving & functioning. We went and visited him yesterday during our lunch hour at work. He looks so different - not in a bad way - but not what we had been used to. And I don't handle seeing someone like that - so I ended up feeling so sad when we left. While I'm grateful and happy that he is doing well -- it was still hard to see him in a wheelchair, with a c-collar on, and his body cast (turtle shell looking thing), not able to move much, and just barely being able to talk. It was hard. I wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be okay. So, he's already come a long way. Considering he had been pronounced dead on the scene - he's really made some incredible leaps & bounds. We're grateful for that, but we really, really miss the "old" Larry. In just 5 more days it'll be 1 month since his accident.
And so I should end this now ... I desperately need to put on some pajamas and just RELAX. No staring at the computer screen, no dusting, no packing -- just RELAXING. My body is tired, as well as my mind.
Joey’s interview with 92 Pro FM
1 day ago