I realized I haven't posted in a couple weeks. Shame on me.
Lots of new happenings to report.
We're in the midst of potty training The Boy. Yes, we're finishing up Week 2. He's grasped the idea nicely, and is making progress. But - we do have some poop issues. The other night I thought we were making some progress. I got home with the kids, The Boy made a peepee on the potty as soon as we walked through the door and a few minutes later he's talking about poop - so we took him back into the bathroom. Well, he wanted the door closed, and told Mike to leave. So he did, and we closed the door. Next thing we know, we hear "POOPOO!!!" So we head in there, and peer into the toilet. AND. THERE. IT. WAS. Poop!
I could feel tears come to my eyes. Now, only a mother can truly get emotional over a gigantic turd.
It wasn't just the potty training that go me all emotional. We also bought The Boy a twin sized bed last Sunday. He's officially in a real BIG BOY bed.
In less than a month my baby boy will be THREE.
Let's see ... what else has been going on. Oh yes! Our adorable twin neices! "B" came home last week, so we got to "meet" her last Friday (we had seen her before, but never got to hold her). I held the little peanut for a long while. She was blissfully sleeping in my arms, and passing gas like YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE. The girl could beat out any big, burly man in a farting contest if you were judging on rankness. That girl stinks. And I don't mean just a little stink. I'm talking the kind of stink that would PEEL OFF WALLPAPER. P. U.
Her sister, "A" followed home shortly. But we just got news yesterday that she was back in the hospital. She stopped breathing the night before. I guess they just think it was a reflex and that she was sent home too early. Hopefully she'll be home for good soon.
The girls will be 8 weeks old tomorrow. Their 2 month birthday is in 6 days. It's hard to believe they're already almost 2 months old, and we're not even to their due date yet.
How time is flying.
Joey’s interview with 92 Pro FM
1 day ago
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