Wow. Can you believe it? It's nearly MAY. :sigh:
So it's been a month since I've written last. Where do I begin?
Let's see. My baby girl will be 10 months old tomorrow. I can't believe she's nearly a year old already. Saddens me. Really. She's growing up WAY too quickly. And then there's my son - in the oh-so-terrible-and-much-worse-than-the-two's 3's. Really - who decided to mark the 2's as terrible? Had they ever met a 3 year old?? Sheesh!
And what else - oh - our adorable twin neices. Doing SO WELL. 7 months old now and developmentally are right on schedule (Bailey is actually a little advanced for her adjusted age). BIL and his girlfriend asked Mike to be Alexa's Godfather, and they asked *ME* to be Bailey's Godmother. I am thrilled. It's such an honor.
The new house is coming along nicely. They started it the beginning of April. Things have really started progressing since last Friday. We went out to the site to see, and we had a foundation/cement floor. When we went out on Monday, the entire first floor was framed and they had started on the 2nd. I went out tonight, and nearly the entire 2nd floor was framed. Soon we'll have a roof!
In the midst of all this - I decided to ween myself off my Zoloft. Yeah, bad mistake. Why I thought doing it while we're in the middle of packing, cleaning, trying to get this house ready to sell all while the new house is already being built ..... I can't do it. I picked up my RX tonight.
So, I've just been keeping busy. Very, very, very busy. Working full time, then coming home and trying to make sure everyone eats dinner, get the kids ready for bed, tuck them in, and then try to squeeze in everything else like showering, listing things on ebay, packaging up ebay items to be shipped, packing boxes to move over to the storage unit (to declutter the house so it looks more presentable to sell), and still try to get in relaxation time. And then of course on weekends - even though I don't work - we have been trying to do weekly garage sales (did 2 so far and brought in a little over $500) to get rid of more stuff, and we try to have some family time as well.
I'm afraid that I'm going to have to start giving up family time in order to take care of everything else that needs to be done. That's the LAST thing I want to do, but really, I don't know how else we're going to get things done. There is SO MUCH to do. I can't wait til September and this will all be over with.
Hopefully I won't be entirely gray (or bald!) by that time.
Joey’s interview with 92 Pro FM
1 day ago